I suppose this is the part of the website where I have to talk about myself. Ah, well, here goes…
I love studying history. I also love reading books. I love learning about new things.
In college, I couldn’t decide between my two favorite subjects: English and History. So I double-majored. I spent a few years as an English and History tutor, one semester as an English TA, and another semester at Pinecrest Historical Village. (And graduated Summa Cum Laude, if I’m allowed to brag a little.)
Everyone always says, “Oh, you majored in English and History. You’re going to be a teacher, right?”
Because… um… after studying English and History, the only job I could possibly be qualified for is forcing Shakespeare on high school students? As a major introvert, and terrified of public speaking, that thought gives me horrific nightmares. (No offense to my many wonderful teacher friends.)
What I really want to do is write. Why not combine my passions and write about history?